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Use activity filters

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Use the Activity properties filter when creating lists, custom reports, and workflow enrollment triggers to segment contact and company records by the interactions they've had with your company. These interactions include meetings, conversations, tasks, notes, one-to-one emails, phone calls, postal mail, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and SMS messages that have been logged in HubSpot.

Please note: this filter will include records with at least one of the activities that meets your specifications. Because of this, the filter cannot be used for re-enrollment into workflows.


When these criteria are used, all activities in a record will be evaluated.

  • Activity assigned to: the HubSpot owner who is assigned an activity.
  • Activity created by: the HubSpot owner who created an activity.
  • Activity date: the date that an activity occurred or is set to occur.
  • Activity type: the type of activity, such as call, meeting, email, task.
  • Attached file IDs: the unique identifier of an attached file.
  • Call and meeting type: the pre-defined type of a call or meeting.
  • Create date: the date that the activity was created.
  • Created by User ID: the HubSpot user who created the activity. 
  • HubSpot team: the HubSpot team that the owner of the activity is on.
  • Last modified date: the date that the activity was last modified.
  • Queue: the task queue that the activity is associated with.
  • Record ID: the ID of the associated record. 
  • Record source: how the associated record was originally created.
  • Updated by user ID: The user that last updated this engagement.


These criteria evaluate the meetings in a record.

  • Guest emails: the emails of all guests who were invited to the meeting.
  • HubSpot attendee owner IDs: HubSpot owner IDs for user attendees who are not owners of the meeting. 
  • Internal meeting notes: the content of a meeting's team notes.
  • Location type: the type of location where the meeting was hosted.
  • Meeting description: the content of a meeting’s description.
  • Meeting end time: the date that a meeting ended.
  • Meeting location: the location of a meeting.
  • Meeting name: the name of a meeting, specified by the invite subject in a scheduling page's configuration. Meetings that are manually logged on the contact record will not be included in this filter, but you can use the meeting description field if you need to filter for all meetings.
  • Meeting outcome (Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise only): the result of the meeting, including Scheduled, Completed, Rescheduled, No show, or Canceled.
  • Meeting source: the source of a meeting, either CRM UI (from the CRM), Integration, Meetings (Public), or Meetings (Embedded).
  • Meeting start time: the date that a meeting started.
  • Time to book meeting from first contact: the time it took to book a meeting from first outreach date and time for the associated contact.


These criteria evaluate the tasks in a record.

  • Completed at: the date when the task was marked as completed.
  • Contact time zone: the time zone of the task's associated contact.
  • Notes: the content of a task’s notes.
  • Priority: the priority of a task.
  • Task status: the status of a task. These include Not started, In progress, Waiting, Completed, or Deferred
  • Task title: the content of a task’s title.
  • Task type: the type of a task, either Call, Email, or To Do.

Please note: if you are using the Task property in an integration sync, you must use the tasks's internal value and not the label. 


These criteria evaluate the calls logged in a record.

  • Call direction: the direction of the call, either Inbound or Outbound.
  • Call duration (ms): the length of a call, in milliseconds.
  • Call notes: the body text of a call note.
  • Call outcome (Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise only): the result of the call, including No answer, Busy, Wrong number, Left live message, Left voicemail, or Connected.
  • Call source: the source of the call, including VoIP, Zoom, or Integrations platform.
  • Call status: the status of the call, including Canceled, Completed, Busy, Failed, or No answer.
  • Call title: the content of a call's title.
  • Recording URL: the URL of the recorded call audio.
  • Tracked terms: select specific tracked terms that you've added.
  • Transcript available: whether the call has an associated transcript, including True or False.


These criteria evaluate the emails logged in a record.

  • Email body: the content of a 1:1 email sent from the CRM.
  • Email is a member of a forwarded subthread: whether the email is part of a forwarded subthread, including True or False.
  • Email send status: the status of a 1:1 email sent from the CRM (incoming, sent, or forwarded), either Sending, Sent, Failed, Bounced, or Scheduled.
  • Email subject: the content of 1:1 email subject line.

Please note: the following criteria are currently non-functional: Attached video name, Attached video opened, and Attached video watched.

Conversation chat session

These criteria evaluate the chat conversations logged in a record. The term "agents" in the definitions below include both the users and the chatflow bots set up in your HubSpot account.

  • Conversation by bot: whether or not a conversation was handled by a bot.
  • Conversation duration: the length of a conversation, in milliseconds.
  • Conversation source type: the source of a conversation, either Live Chat or Facebook Messenger.
  • Conversation website URL: the URL of the conversation session.
  • Date agent joined conversation: the date that an agent joined the conversation.
  • Date visitor ended conversation: the date that a visitor ended the conversation.
  • Date visitor started conversation: the date that a visitor started the conversation.
  • Number of agent messages: the number of messages sent by the agent.
  • Number of visitor messages: the number of messages sent by the visitor.
  • Time visitor waited for conversation: the amount of time between when a visitor sends the first message in a conversation session and when the conversation is assigned to a HubSpot user.


These criteria evaluate SMS, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp messages.

  • Channel type: the type of activity, including SMS, WhatsApp and LinkedIn.
  • Communication body: the content of the logged activity. This property is only set for manually logged WhatsApp and LinkedIn messages, and SMSes. 
  • Conversations first message timestamp: the date of the first message sent via the communication method.
  • Logged from: where the activity was logged, either CRM (on a record), or Conversations (the conversations inbox, for WhatsApp messages only).

Postal Mail

  • Postal mail body: the content of a postal mail activity. 


  • Note body: the content of a note. 

Publishing task

When creating a report, these criteria evaluate content publishing tasks.

  • Campaign: the campaign the task was associated with.
  • Category: the content category the task was included in.
  • State: the state the task is currently in, either To-do or Done.
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