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Set up multi-account management (BETA)

Last updated: March 20, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Enterprise

Multi-account management is a feature for customers with multiple HubSpot accounts. Multi-account management allows multiple businesses to work separately, while being able to share assets and data across accounts.

The functionality of multi-account management includes:
  • Organization configuration: set up your organization and define the connections between accounts that decide how each HubSpot account will use, or not use multi-account management features.
  • Data mirroring: use data mirroring to mirror data between different HubSpot accounts. For example, a sales representative in one account is interacting with a contact who bought something from another business entity. That business entity has a separate, unique HubSpot account. With data mirroring turned on, the user will be able to see that information in their account, even if they’re not a user in the other business entity's HubSpot account.
  • Asset copying: copy automated marketing emails, lists, and forms from one account to another, to avoid manually creating assets from scratch in a new account.

Before you get started

Before you begin working with this feature, make sure to fully understand what steps should be taken ahead of time, as well as the limitations of the feature and potential consequences of using it. 

Understand requirements

  • To access multi-account management, you must have a HubSpot account in your organization that has Marketing Hub Enterprise. Some functions within multi-account management require subscriptions to other hubs. 
  • The Marketing Hub Enterprise account can connect up to four additional accounts that have at least a Professional or Enterprise subscription (for any product).
  • To create a multi-account management organization, you must be a Super Admin in both the Marketing Hub Enterprise account, and the additional accounts you plan to add to the organization. 
  • You must also be a Super Admin in each account you'd like to add to your multi-account management organization. 
  • Two-factor authentication must be set up.

Understand limitations & considerations

Understand limitations, and things to consider when using multi-account management. Feature specific limitations are covered in more detail in the relevant sections of the article.

  • Each HubSpot account being added to the multi-account management organization must have its data hosted in the same location.
  • Multi-account management can't be set up in sandbox accounts.

Set up multi-account management

Set up your multi-account management organization

The first step to set up multi-account management, is to configure your organization in HubSpot. To set up your organization:

  • Log in to your Marketing Hub Enterprise account.
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • Click Create Organization

  • Ensure that you have read and understand how enabling this feature will impact each of your linked accounts, including notice obligations you may have to your customers.
  • Click to toggle the accounts you'd like to add to your multi-account management organization, then click Done in the bottom right. 
    • To see non-eligible accounts, click the Eligible dropdown menu and click Ineligible.

  • You'll be prompted to verify your account using two-factor authentication.
  • Once verified, to start configuring multi-account management features, click Configure now in the dialog box. Click Do it later to configure at a later time or date.

Configure your multi-account management organization

Once your organization has been set up, you'll need to configure the connections between the accounts. To connect your accounts:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • Click Edit Account Connections to view the configuration screen.

  • You have two options:
    • Click Quick connect to turn on all available features for your organization's accounts. After selecting to Quick connect, to change the configuration:
      • To turn data mirroring on or off, select an account from the left panel and toggle the Data mirroring switch on or off.

Please note:

  • Data mirroring is available to users of accounts that are part of the multi-account management organization, and have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat.
  • If one of the accounts is storing sensitive data, then it can't be a source account for data mirroring. This is to ensure that your sensitive customer data is being carefully protected. If you turn on sensitive data after establishing a data mirroring connection between that source account and another account, the connection will be modified to not have the account be a source account for data mirroring once sensitive data is turned on.
      • To turn asset copying on or off, select an account from the left panel and toggle the Asset copying switch on or off.

      • Connections are two-way by default (features work both ways between accounts). To change the connection to one-way (features work from one account to another), click One-way connection.
      • Click Next.
      • Review the configuration, then click Done.
    • If you didn't choose to use the Quick connect feature, select an account from the left panel and click Add Connections to set up connections manually.
      • Select the checkbox next to the accounts you'd like to connect with, then click Confirm

      • Select an account from the left panel and toggle the Data mirroring switch on or off.

Please note:

  • Data mirroring is available to users of accounts that are part of the multi-account management organization, and have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat.
  • If one of the accounts is storing sensitive data, then it can't be a source account for data mirroring. This is to ensure that your sensitive customer data is being carefully protected. If you turn on sensitive data after establishing a data mirroring connection between that source account and another account, the connection will be modified to not have the account be a source account for data mirroring once sensitive data is turned on.
      • Select an account from the left panel and toggle the Asset copying switch on or off.

      • Connections are two-way by default (features work both ways between accounts). To change the connection to one-way (features work from one account to another), click One-way connection.
      • Click Next.
      • Review the configuration, then click Done.
Once accounts are connected, you may share personal information across accounts. This may require you to interact with the data subjects more.

Manage your multi-account organization

After configuring your multi-account-organization, you can edit and update the organization when needed.

Before you begin working with this feature, make sure to fully understand what steps should be taken ahead of time, as well as the limitations of the feature and potential consequences of using it. 

Understand requirements

  • You must be a Super Admin in every account in your organization to manage your organization.
  • Only Super Admins and Partner Admins will be able to view the organization management page.
  • If no account in the organization has Marketing Hub Enterprise after the organization has been created, then the organization will be deleted.
  • The accounts in the organization must have at least a Professional  subscription for any product, to use multi-account management. If an account in the organization is downgraded from a Professional subscription, then it'll be removed from the organization.

Understand limitations & considerations

  • You must use an account that has Marketing Hub Enterprise to:
    • Add or remove accounts from your multi-account organization.
    • Delete your multi-account organization.
  • You can manage the account connections for your organization from any account in your multi-account organization.
  • If an account has its data hosting location changed to a different location to the other accounts in the organization, then the account will be removed from the organization.
  • If an account is deactivated, then it'll be removed from the organization.

Add or remove accounts from the multi-account organization

To manage your multi-account organization:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • To add or remove accounts from the organization:
    • Click Actions in the upper right, then select Manage organization.
    • Click to toggle the accounts you'd like to add or remove from your multi-account management organization, then click Done in the bottom right. 

    • If adding new accounts, you'll be prompted to verify your account using two-factor authentication.

Add or edit account connections

To add account connections:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • Click Edit Account Connections.
  • Click add Add connections.
  • Select the checkbox next to the accounts you'd like to connect with, then click Confirm

To edit account connections:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • Click Edit Account Connections.
  • Select an account from the left panel and toggle the Data mirroring switch on or off.

Please note: if one of the accounts is storing sensitive data, then it can't be a source account for data mirroring. This is to ensure that your sensitive customer data is being carefully protected. If you turn on sensitive data after establishing a data mirroring connection between that source account and another account, the connection will be modified to not have the account be a source account for data mirroring once sensitive data is turned on.

  • Select an account from the left panel and toggle the Asset copying or switch on or off.

  • Connections are two-way by default. To change the connection to one-way, click One-way connection.
  • Click Next.
  • Review the configuration, then click Done.

Delete your multi-account management organization

To delete your multi-account management organization:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Under Organization Management, click Multi-Account.
  • Click Actions in the upper right, then select Delete organization.
  • Click Delete organization to confirm.
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