Manage forms
Last updated: November 15, 2023
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Configure your forms table and keep your forms organized using form folders. Review the available actions you can take on your forms. You can delete and clone your forms, as well as export form data. However, it is currently not possible to unpublish a form.
If a form submission has been flagged as spam, it will be separately categorized into the form's spam submissions.
Segment your forms
To segment your forms, you can apply filters based on form details to your forms table. This set of filters can be saved as a view that you can access whenever you want an overview of the forms that meet the set criteria. Learn more about creating, customizing, and managing saved views.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- At the top of the table, click the Add view dropdown menu. You can create a view from scratch or use an existing view to create a new view:
- To create a view from scratch:
- Select Create new view.
- In the dialog box, enter a name for your view and select which users can access the saved view.
- Click Save. Your new view will appear as another tab at the top of the table.
- To use an existing view to create a new view, select an existing view.
- To create a view from scratch:
- Select and apply your filters:
- Business unit (Business units add-on only): filter forms by associated business units.
- Teams: filter by teams with access to the form.
- Form Type: filter forms by form type, such as non-HubSpot forms, regular forms, pop-up forms, or blog comment forms.
- All filters: filter by additional form events and form information, such as page views, status, and more.
- In the right panel, click AND to add more filter criteria.
- To remove existing filter criteria, hover over the criteria and click the delete delete icon.
- Once you're done, click the X icon to close the panel.
- All filters: filter by additional form events and form information, such as page views, status, and more.
- To update the columns displayed in a view:
- At the top of the table, click Actions > Edit columns.
- On the left, select the checkboxes next to the form events or information you want to appear in the table.
- On the right, click and drag the properties to rearrange them in the table.
- To remove a column from the table, click the x next to the column name.
- To reset the forms table to the default view, click Reset default view.
- To clear all columns from the table, click Remove all columns. This will remove all columns except the Name column.
- Click Save. The display of the updated columns will depend on whether you're updating a default view or a custom view:
- If you're updating the default All forms and Published views, this will only update the columns displayed for these views in your user's account.
- If you're updating a custom view, this will update the columns displayed for the custom view for all users with access to the view.
- Once you've completed setting up your view, in the top right of the forms table, click Save view.
- If you've created a new view from scratch or if you're updating an existing view, click Save.
- If you're using an existing view to create a new view, click Save as new.
- After creating and saving your custom view, to manage your views, click All views. Learn how to edit, clone, or delete your custom views.
Organize forms with folders
Segment and organize your forms with form folders. You can create new folders, then move forms individually or in bulk to those folders:- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- In the top right, click Folders.
- To create a new folder:
- In the left panel, click Create folder.
- In the dialog box, enter your Folder name.
- Click Create. Your new folder will display in the left panel of the page.
- To rename or delete a folder:
- In the left panel, click the folder name. All forms added to the folder will display in the table.
- To rename a folder, in the top left, click Actions > Rename folder.
- To delete a folder, in the top left, click Actions > Delete folder.
- To move individual forms to a folder:
- Hover over the form to move.
- Then, click and drag the dragHandleicon to drag the form into an existing folder.
- Alternatively, click Actions > Move to folder. Then, select a folder and click Move.
- To move multiple forms to a folder:
- Select the checkboxes next to the forms to move.
- Then, click and drag the dragHandleicon to drag the forms into an existing folder. All selected forms will be moved to the folder.
Form actions
From the forms dashboard, you can take action on your forms:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- Hover over a form and click the Actions dropdown menu to:
- View: test and view the form as a standalone page.
- Details: view the details page of your form.
- Share: view and copy the form embed code and direct link. Learn more about sharing a form on an external site.
- View submissions: view an overview of the form submissions.
- Export submissions: export all submissions on the form in a CSV, XLS, or XLSX file.
- View file uploads: access all files submitted via a file upload field on the form. This option will not appear if no files were uploaded in form submissions.
- Create list of contacts (Marketing Hub Starter, Basic, Professional, or Enterprise only): create a list of contacts that submitted the form
- Create translation: create a translated version of the form.
- Compare forms: compare the form against your other forms in the forms comparison tool.
- Manage Access (Marketing Hub Enterprise only): select which users and teams have access to this content
- Move to folder: move the form to a folder.
- Delete: delete the selected form.
- To edit a form, hover over the form name and click Edit. Learn more about deleting a form.
- To clone a form, hover over the form name and click Clone. Learn more about cloning a form.
Delete a form
If you no longer require a form, learn how to delete your form. If the form is currently used in any HubSpot pages, it cannot be deleted and the Delete form option will be greyed out. Remove the form from any HubSpot pages to delete the form. You can see which pages are currently using the form by clicking the number in the Appears on column.
Once a HubSpot form is deleted, please note the following:
- The form will no longer load on any live external pages.
- The form will not be available for use in lists, workflows, and reports.
- Previous submission data cannot be exported, but will remain in the relevant contact records.
- New submissions to a deleted form using the HubSpot's Forms API will not be accepted.
To delete a form:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- To delete an individual form:
- Hover over the form you want to delete, then click Actions > Delete.
- In the dialog box, click Delete form.
- To delete your forms in bulk:
- Select the checkboxes next to the forms you want to delete.
- At the top of the table, click Delete.
- In the dialog box, click Delete.
Clone a form
You can clone a HubSpot form as a starting point for a new form or use the cloned form with a different campaign. When cloning your forms, please note the following:
- If you have the Business units add-on:
- If a different business unit is selected when cloning, data privacy options and follow-up emails will not be added. You can manually add these options to the cloned form.
- If the same business unit is selected, data privacy options and follow-up emails will be cloned and match the original form.
- If you're using marketing contacts and the Set contacts created as marketing contacts option is toggled on, only users with Marketing contacts access will be able to clone the form.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- Hover over the form you want to clone.
- Click Clone.
- In the dialog box, enter your new form name. If you have the Business units add-on, select a business unit for the cloned form.
- Click Clone. You will be directed to the editor for the cloned form.
Export form data
After setting up your forms, if you are a super admin or have export permissions, you can export a spreadsheet of your form data with your current dashboard filters, to share information with external stakeholders.
To export your form data:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
- In the top right of the table, click Actions > Export forms.
- Configure your export file:
- Name: enter a name for your export.
- Format: select a format for your export, you can export your campaign details in a csv, xls, or xlsx file.
- Send to: this will be set to your HubSpot user email by default.
- Click Export to receive an email with a download link to the export file. This download link will be valid for 90 days. You can also review and access the form data export from your Import and Export settings.