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Set up user notifications in HubSpot

Last updated: March 18, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

User notifications alert you when various actions or activities occur in your account. You can set up and control the notifications you receive from HubSpot.

Super admins in Enterprise accounts can set default notification preferences for other users. If default notifications are set up, preferences set by individual users will take precedence over the defaults.

Please note: it is not possible to turn off certain user notifications (e.g. HubSpot Support or HubSpot Billing emails) due to the important account management details they provide.

Set up and turn off HubSpot notifications

To set up or turn off your HubSpot notifications:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Notifications.
  • Click the Email, Desktop, Other apps and Mobile app tabs to set the type of notifications you would like to receive.
  • To turn on a notification, search for or expand the notification topics and select the notification checkbox. To clear all notifications, select Clear all preferences at the top of the What you get notified about section. 
  • To turn off a notification, search for or expand the notification topics and unselect the notification checkbox. You can also click the pop-up or bell notification, and select the ellipses ellipses icon to select Don't show me these againTurn off sound, or Go to notification preferences.


Toggle the switch on to receive email notifications to your inbox.


Please note: users will not receive more than 1,000 email notifications, per notification type, per day. When a notification has been sent 1,000 times in the same day, to the same email address, any additional sends will be dropped. 


How you get notified

There are three different types of desktop notifications. Click to toggle the switch on or off for each of the following notification types.

  • Bell: notifications will appear as a red badge on the bell in your navigation bar. Click on the bell to view your recent notifications. Select the checkbox to Display a red dot in your browser tab when you have unread bell notifications.


    Please note: the notifications icon will appear in the browser tabs of favicon-supported browsers.

  • Pop-up: notifications will appear on screen when you are logged in and active in your HubSpot account. You can set a different sound for each notification
  • Browser: notifications will be sent to your browser when you're not active in HubSpot, but your HubSpot account is open in another tab or window of the browser. For example, a notification will be triggered if you have two tabs open, one of which is HubSpot, but you're active in the non-HubSpot tab. Click Allow notifications to allow HubSpot to display notifications in your browser.
Please note:
  • If you log in to your HubSpot account in a different browser you'll need to enable notifications in the new browser.
  • If you are unable to view notifications in your browser after clicking Allow notifications, you may also need to grant permission for notifications to display in your OS settings. 
  • To edit your Chrome sales notifications, modify your notification settings in the Chrome extension.


Set a different sound for each notification

You can select six different notification sounds on your desktop.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Notifications.
  • At the top, click the Desktop tab.
  • In the Pop-up section, click the Sound selection dropdown menu to select a default sound for pop-up notifications. Click playerPlayPlay to preview the sound.

  • In the What you get notified about section, click the notification to change the sound for it. Then, select the sound dropdown menu to select the sound. Click playerPlayPlay to preview the sound.

Mobile app

Push and in-app notifications will be sent to your mobile device. You can configure your notification preferences within the settings on your mobile app.

Types of notifications

Click on the notification groups to expand further or use the search bar in the top right to find the notification topic you want to edit. The following are the notification sections and what notifications they include:

  • Academy: receive a notification when there's an update about your certifications, awards, and exercises. 
  • Ads: receive a notification when your ad sequence ads are started or paused.
  • Blog: receive notifications when there is a new comment on your draft blog post, when a user shares a blog draft with you, when there is a new comment on your blog post, when HubSpot finishes scanning your blog, and when you receive an @-mention in a comment in a blog post draft.
  • Calling: receive notifications when an inbound phone call to your HubSpot phone number has been logged.
  • Chat and email conversations: receive notifications for chat and email conversations from the conversations inbox. Receive a notification when a conversation is assigned to you, reassigned to you, when there's a reply on a conversation, when you're @-mentioning on a conversation, and when there's a new unassigned conversation in the inbox. Even if these notifications are turned on, a user will only receive a notification if they have previously navigated to the inbox. For users on a team with access to the inbox, only main members of the team will receive the unassigned conversation notifications.
  • Comments: receive notifications on an activity you're involved in or when you're @-mentioned in a comment. Learn more about understanding and managing your comment notifications
  • Contacts and companies: receive notifications when a company or contact is assigned to you, when there is a duplicate record, when you're @-mentioned in a company or contact record. Notifications will be received by users selected in the default Contact owner property or Company owner property, and in any custom user properties.
  • Custom objects: receive notifications when a custom object record is assigned to you or when you're @-mentioned on a custom object record.
  • Dashboards: receive notifications when you're @-mentioned in a note on a dashboard, or when you're assigned permissions to view or edit a dashboard.
  • Data quality: receive notifications when a property anomaly is detected or a duplicate record is found.
  • Deals: receive notifications when a deal is assigned to you, when a deal you own or follow moves to a different deal stage, and when you're @-mentioned on a deal record.

Please note: assignment notifications may be delayed by up to five minutes after the time of the assignment. If you’re assigned multiple records or tasks around the same time and the combined notification exceeds 100 individual assignment notifications, the combined notification will be sent without waiting the full five minutes. This helps balance quick delivery of notifications while avoiding sending too many notifications. 

There are also cases where an assignment notification will not be sent. You will not receive a notification if you:

  • manually assign a contact, company, deal or task to yourself.
  • set the [Object] owner or custom owner property via a contact import or a sync from Salesforce.
  • become the owner of a contact or company record via the ownership sync between contacts and companies.
  • become the record owner due to a logged activity on the record, such as an email, call, or meeting.
  • were assigned to a HubSpot user property on the record prior to the [Object] Owner assignment (e.g., if a custom property Contact creator exists with the HubSpot user field type and you were already set as the Contact creator before being set as the Contact owner, you won't receive a notification).

  • Email: receive notifications when someone clicks, opens, or replies to your email. 
  • Feedback surveys: receive notifications when there's a new customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer support, or custom survey submission.
  • Form submissions: receive notifications when a visitor or contact submits your form. This notification type will only appear for users with access to the forms tool
  • General: receive notifications for certain tools and updates to records. Receive notifications in the following cases:
    • Marketplace: when a review you've written or reported in the Solutions or App Marketplace has been updated, when a cookie scan has finished, and when a rollback of an import has completed. 
    • Approvals: when a teammate requests your approval, cancels an approval request, or approves your request. 
    • Projects: when there's an update to a project you're assigned to, or you've been @-mentioned on a project.
    • Record updates: when a record that you own or are following is associated with another record, when there's a new activity logged on a record you own, or when someone views a document you own.
  • Leads: receive notifications when a lead is assigned to you.
  • Lists: receive notifications when a list has completed processing and is ready to be used.
  • Login Alert: receive notifications for when your account is accessed in an unfamiliar or risky way, such as an unfamiliar geolocation or time check.
  • Marketplace: receive notifications for your Marketplace assets and purchases. Receive notifications when an asset update is available, a refund is requested, a purchase is confirmed, a refund is issued, a refund request is canceled, or a refund request is denied.
  • Payments (Super Admin only): receive notifications for when a payment is initiated or fails, when a payment is received, and when a payout is created or fails.
  • Quotes: receive notifications for quotes. Receive notifications when a countersignature is needed, a quote is paid, a quote is signed by a customer, a quote you countersigned is fully signed, or a quote you own is fully signed.

Please note: quote notifications will only be sent to the user who owns the quote.

  • SEO scan: receive a notification when an SEO scan is complete for your domain.
  • System notifications: receive notifications when your initial data sync has completed, when your export is ready to download, when your import is complete, when your Salesforce integration is paused or there's a sync error, or when a Salesforce user requests access to a record in HubSpot. 

Please note: you can set up large export notifications in your Import & Export settings. Learn how to set up large export notifications.

Please note: tasks created via HubSpot's API will not trigger a notification.

  • Tickets: receive notifications when you're assigned a ticket, when a ticket you own or follow moves to a different ticket status, or when you're @-mentioned on a ticket record. Notifications will be received by users selected in the default Ticket owner property, and in any custom user properties.
  • Transcription and Analysis: receive notifications when tracked terms are found in a call, when the transcription from your recording is ready, and when tracked terms are ready for reporting.
  • Website visits (Email only): receive notifications when contacts, companies, and prospects visit your website.
  • Workflows: receive notifications when a "send notification" action is triggered for your user in a workflow or when a workflow "needs review." You can also opt to receive an email every Friday if a workflow has a change in enrollments.
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