Create workflows
Last updated: March 31, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Use workflows to automate your business processes. You can automatically enroll records with enrollment criteria, then take action on your records.
For example, you can enroll all contacts that have submitted a specific form, then send a marketing email and assign these contacts to a user. You can also take action on associated records, such as updating an enrolled contact’s associated company. It is recommended to use the community workflow library for ideas when setting up your workflow.
After creating workflows, learn how to organize your workflows.
Create a new workflow
Create workflows from scratch or use workflow templates to guide you along. The number of workflows you can create depends on your account's subscriptions.
Create a new workflow from scratch
To create a workflow from scratch:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
- In the upper right, click Create workflow > From scratch.
- In the left panel, select [object]-based. This determines what type of records can be enrolled in the workflow. You can choose from the following objects:
- Contacts
- Companies
- Deals
- Quotes (Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise)
- Tickets (Service Hub Professional or Enterprise)
- Custom objects (Enterprise only)
- Conversations
- Feedback submissions (Service Hub Professional or Enterprise)
- Subscriptions
- Payments
- Goals
- Leads (Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise)
- Users
- Tasks
- Calls
- In the top right, click Next.
- To give your workflow a name and add a description:
- At the top, click the edit pencil icon. Then, enter your workflow's name and description.
- Alternatively, after setting up your workflow, click Generate description to use Breeze to generate a description for your workflow based on it's triggers and actions.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Create a new workflow using templates
Use a workflow template aligned with your goals to streamline your automation processes.
To create a workflow using a template:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
- In the upper right, click Create workflow > From template.
- From the templates library, search for a template that matches your workflow goals:
- To filter templates by function or objective, in the left sidebar, select a category.
- To search for a specific template, in the top right, enter a search keyword.
- To review a template's details, click Preview. In the dialog box, you can check if the template is compatible with your HubSpot subscriptions. You can also review the following details:
- Purpose: the purpose and goal of this workflow template.
- What you'll need to prepare: any assets that you'll need to prepare to populate the placeholder actions, such as marketing emails or forms.
- Template preview: the enrollment triggers and workflow actions that are included in this template.
- Once you've selected your template, click Use template. The template will appear with placeholder actions. You can edit, add, and remove actions in the editor.
Set enrollment triggers
Enrollment triggers are a set of criteria that automatically enroll records in a workflow. You can set enrollment triggers manually, or generate them using Breeze. If you don’t want to automatically enroll records into a workflow, you can leave the enrollment trigger box blank and enroll records manually instead.
When setting up enrollment triggers, You can also use the following enrollment trigger types. Learn more about setting enrollment triggers .- Filter-based
- Event-based
- Based on a schedule
- In the workflow editor, click Set up triggers.
- In the left panel, select When an event occurs, When filter criteria is met, or Based on a schedule.
- In the left panel, select an enrollment type for your enrollment trigger. when an event occurs, when filter criteria is met, based on a recurring schedule, or when a webhook is received.
- Set up the trigger, then click Save.
- By default, records will only enroll in a workflow the first time they meet the enrollment triggers. To enable re-enrollment:
- In the left panel, click the Re-enrollment tab.
- Click to toggle the Re-enrollment switch on.
- Select the triggers that you want to use for re-enrollment. Learn more about adding re-enrollment triggers to workflows.
- Add more enrollment triggers if needed. When you're done, click Save. Learn more about setting enrollment triggers.
Add actions
You can use Breeze to generate actions for a workflow or manually select and add actions. For example, you can use a workflow to send a marketing email or assign your records. Learn more about the different workflow actions available in HubSpot.
After adding an action, you can clone or move it to streamline the workflow building process. If you'd like to leave a note on a workflow action for reference, learn how to add comments to workflow actions.
Please note: the actions available to you depend on your subscription. locked Locked actions require an account upgrade to use.
To add actions to a workflow:
- In the workflow editor, click the + plus icon.
- In the left panel, select an action. Learn more about choosing your workflow actions.
- After setting up the details of the action, click Save. Or, if you're adding the action as a placeholder, click Save without filling out the action details. Placeholder actions must be filled out before you can turn on the workflow. Learn more about placeholder actions.
Add data variables to actions
Depending on the selected workflow action, you can use the data panel to insert data variables from various object sources. For example, you can use data from a contact record and its associated deal to send an internal notification email that contains personalization tokens from both records.
To add a data source to the panel's available data:- After selecting your action, in the left panel, click on the field that you'd like to use the data with.
- In the Choose data variable section, click Edit available data.
- To create a new data source, in the right panel, click + Add records.
- In the Name your data source field, enter a name for your data source.
- Click the Choose a record type dropdown menu and select a data source.
- Click the Choose a condition to filter [data source record type] dropdown menu and select from the following:
- If associated to the enrolled [record]: use data from associated records. For example, in a contact-based workflow, you can use data from an associated company record.
- Association label: select the association label you'd like to refine the associated records by, especially if you have more than one associated record of the same record type. Learn more about association labels.
- Association label: select the association label you'd like to refine the associated records by, especially if you have more than one associated record of the same record type. Learn more about association labels.
- If property values match: use data from records with matching property values. For example, in a deal-based workflow, you can refine only companies where the domain property's value matches the domain property's value of an enrolled contact.
- All records in your CRM are reviewed to find a matching property: choose a property from the selected record type to match with the enrolled record.
- Has the same value as: choose a property from your enrolled record.
- If a property value is equal to: use data from records with specific property values. It is generally recommended to use this option if you're using a custom property to store unique identifiers. For example, you can choose only custom objects where the Listing ID role property has a value of ABC12345.
- All records in your CRM are reviewed to find a matching property: choose a property from your selected record type to refine by.
- Is equal to: select or enter a property value, only records with the specific property value will be selected.
- If associated to the enrolled [record]: use data from associated records. For example, in a contact-based workflow, you can use data from an associated company record.
- Click the Choose a condition to filter [record type] down to one dropdown menu and select from Most recently updated, Most recently created, or First created.
- Configure the data source details, then click Add at the bottom.
- After adding a data source, to review or delete an existing data sources:
- In the Choose data variable section, click Edit available data. In the right panel, review all added data sources.
- To review more details about an existing data source, click the eye icon.
- To delete an existing data source, click the delete icon.
- After adding your data sources, use data from a specific source:
- In the Insert data panel, click the View properties or action output from dropdown menu and select a data source.
- After selecting your source, click to expand the data type that you'd like to use, then click on the property to use in the field.
- The property will be automatically inserted into the field.
Review the workflow minimap
When building larger workflows, you can use the workflow minimap for a quicker view of your workflow architecture and faster navigation. To use the workflow minimap:- In the upper left of the workflow editor, click Show minimap panel.
- With the minimap open, you can hover over workflow actions to view the action name, and click an area of the minimap to navigate there.
- If your workflow requires any changes before it can be published, the action will be highlighted in yellow. Click the link in the alert and review the changes that need to be made.
Undo or redo changes
When editing your workflow you can undo or redo changes made to the workflow in the previous 30 days. You cannot undo or redo certain changes such as, custom code actions.
To undo or redo an action:
- To undo an action, click the undo undo icon in the top left. Changes will be undone one at a time.
- To redo an action, click the redo redo icon in the top left. Changes will be redone one at a time.
Manage settings
To manage your workflow settings:
- In the top left, click the Settings tab to manage the workflow's execution and notification settings. Learn more about managing your workflow settings.
- In the top left, click Edit > Edit enrollment trigger to manage the workflow's enrollment, unenrollment, and re-enrollment settings.
Turn on your workflow
To review and turn on your workflow:
- In the upper right corner, click Review and publish.
- In the right panel, review your workflow details:
- See all contacts in lists: if you have a Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise account, in contact-based workflows you can view a static list of contacts that meet the enrollment criteria. The list will automatically be saved and can be accessed from your lists dashboard.
- Do you want to enroll contacts that currently meet the enrollment criteria when the workflow turns on: Choose to enroll records that currently meet the enrollment triggers or only enroll records that meet the triggers in the future.
- Yes, enroll existing [objects] which meet the trigger criteria as of now: enroll all existing records that meet the enrollment triggers.
- No, only enroll [objects] which meet the trigger criteria after turning the workflow on: only enroll records that meet the enrollment triggers after the workflow is turned on. When this option is selected:
- If the [object] changes to meet the enrollment triggers for the first time after the workflow is turned on, the [object] will be enrolled.
- If the [object] changes to meet the enrollment criteria again and re-enrollment is turned on, the [object] will be enrolled. Learn more about re-enrollment triggers.
- Do you want to enroll contacts that currently meet the enrollment criteria when the workflow turns on: Choose to enroll records that currently meet the enrollment triggers or only enroll records that meet the triggers in the future.
Please note: the number of existing contacts displayed on the review page is an estimate. To view an exact number of contacts, create a static list of contacts that meet the criteria by clicking See all contacts in lists.
- At the bottom, click Next. You can review your workflow's Timing & Notifications, Connections, and Workflow details. Or, click Skip to turn on.
- At the bottom, click Turn on workflow.
HubSpot will store workflow action logs data within the below time periods:
- 90 days: all workflow action log data will be stored, including high-level action log data such as object ID (which contact, company, deal, etc.), event type (enrollment, unenrollment, etc.), and action type.
- 6 months: workflow enrollment history will be stored.
- 2 years+: historical data of enrollments will be retained in our system to enable workflow-based filters.