Customer journey report steps and filters
Last updated: March 11, 2025
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When creating a customer journey report, use steps and filters to define the journey a contact or deal must take. The sections below highlight some of the most common steps and filters to use in your customer journey analytics report.
Steps are the individual events that a contact or deal must complete to move on to the next stage in the journey. Multiple steps can be included in a stage.
Ad interactions: the time when a visitor engaged with an ad connected to the HubSpot account. HubSpot can capture ad interactions that occurred from users who haven’t yet converted into a contact in your HubSpot account, this means that this event supports anonymous visitors.
Learn more about using ads in HubSpot.
Calls started: the time when the start of a call with a contact began. Use Calls started to measure whether a rep placed a call with a contact. This event captures a call whether or not it is outbound (i.e., began on the contact record or in the conversations inbox) or inbound (i.e., the user called in and the call was logged to their CRM record).
Calls ended: the time of the end of a call with a contact. This event captures a call whether or not it is outbound (i.e., began on the contact record or in the conversations inbox) or inbound (i.e., the user called in and the call was logged to their CRM record).
Learn more about using calling in HubSpot.
Campaign ID: populates the campaign that the interaction is associated with.
Marketing campaign influences: contacts that have engaged with assets related to a campaign.
CTA views: the time when a visitor or contact viewed a CTA. HubSpot can track CTA views regardless of whether or not the person is a contact in your HubSpot account, this means that this event supports anonymous visitors.
CTA clicks: the time when a visitor or contact clicked a CTA. HubSpot can track CTA clicks regardless of whether or not the person is a contact in your HubSpot account, this means that this event supports anonymous visitors.
Deal stage: populates deal stage data from any of your pipelines.
Contacts finished viewing documents: the time when a contact in your account finished viewing a document.
Contacts viewed documents: the time when a contact in your account began viewing a document.
Documents shared with contacts: the time when a HubSpot user shared a document with a contact. This event is tracked when a document is sent to a contact through an email or sequence where the user's inbox is connected to HubSpot.
Learn more about using documents in HubSpot.
Form view: the time when someone’s browser loaded a form on their screen, meaning the user had scrolled to the point that they could view the form. HubSpot can capture form views that happened from users who haven’t yet converted into a contact in your HubSpot account.
Form interaction: the time when someone began filling out a form. This event is captured when someone has clicked into the form and/or has begun to fill out the form. HubSpot is able to capture form interactions that happened from users who haven’t yet converted into a contact in your HubSpot account.
Form pop up view: the time when someone’s browser loaded a pop up form on their screen. This is specific to pop up forms and happens when the HubSpot tracking code registers that the user’s browser loaded the form. HubSpot can capture pop up form views that happened from users who haven’t yet converted into a contact in your HubSpot account.
Form submission: the time when someone successfully submitted a form. Form submissions require a user to provide their email address. Therefore, this event does not need to have the ‘include anonymous visitors’ option checked to see all form submissions in a journey report.
Learn more about using forms in HubSpot.
Marketing emails
Clicked links in email: the time when a contact clicked a link in a marketing email.
Emails bounced: the time when an email sent to a contact bounced.
Emails delivered: the time when an email sent to a contact was delivered successfully.
Opened emails: the time when a contact opened a marketing email.
Reported spam: the time when a contact marked an email as spam.
Updated email subscription status: the time when a contact updated their email subscription status.
Marketing events
Attended marketing event: the date and time when a contact attended a marketing event.
Canceled marketing event: the time when a contact canceled their registration for a marketing event invitation.
Registered for marketing event: the time when a contact registered to attend an upcoming marketing event.
Learn more about marketing events in HubSpot.
Media played: the time when a contact played a media file stored in your HubSpot account.
Meetings booked: the time when a contact scheduled to attend a meeting. This can either happen when a contact books through a HubSpot meeting link or a HubSpot user schedules a meeting with a contact directly from the record.
Meeting outcome changes: tracks when a contact’s meeting outcome was changed or set. On the contact record, HubSpot users can set the meeting outcome. For example, the meeting outcome could be Scheduled, Completed, No show, etc. This event tracks when this value has been set.
Outbound message deliveries: the time when a WhatsApp message was delivered to a contact.
Outbound message failures: the time when a WhatsApp message failed to deliver to a contact.
Outbound message opens: the time when a contact opened a WhatsApp message.
Outbound message sends: the time when a WhatsApp message was sent to a contact.
Learn more about using WhatsApp in HubSpot.
Payment failed: the time when a contact’s recurring card or bank transfer payment failed to process.
Payment initiated: the time when a contact’s bank transfer payment was initiated.
Payment refund failed: the time when a contact’s payment refund failed to complete.
Payment refund initiated: the time when a contact’s payment refund began.
Payment refund succeeded: the time when a contact’s payment refund was completed.
Payment succeeded: the time when a contact’s payment was successfully processed.
Learn more about using payments in HubSpot.
Sales email
Sales email clicks: the time when a contact clicked a link in a one-to-one email.
Sales email opens: the time when a contact opened a one-to-one email.
Sales email replies: the time when a contact replied to a one-to-one email.
Sales email sends: the time when an one-to-one email was sent to a contact.
Learn more about sending one-to-one email in HubSpot.
Contacts booked meetings through a sequence: the time when a contact booked a meeting through a sequence.
Contacts enrolled in a sequence: the time when a HubSpot user enrolled a CRM into a sequence.
Contacts unenrolled in a sequence: the time when a contact is no longer enrolled in a sequence. This could happen because the contact booked a meeting through the sequence, replied to an email in the sequence, unsubscribed from the sequence, or the sequence came to an end.
Contacts unenrolled manually from sequence: the time when a HubSpot user manually unenrolled a contact from a sequence.
Contacts unsubscribed from sequence email: the time when a contact unsubscribed from a one-to-one email while enrolled in a sequence.
Sequence emails bounced: the time when an email sent to a contact bounced.
Sequence steps executed: the time when a step was executed in a sequence.
Sequences errored: the time when an error occurred in a sequence.
Sequences finished: the time when a contact reached the final step of a sequence.
Learn more about using sequences in HubSpot.
Link in short messages clicked: tracks when a contact clicked a message in an SMS message.
Short messages delivered: tracks when an SMS message was delivered to a contact.
Short messages dropped: tracks when an SMS message was delivered to a contact but was dropped.
Short messages failed: tracks when an SMS message failed to deliver to a contact.
Short message sent: tracks when an SMS message was sent to a contact.
Learn more about using SMS messaging in HubSpot.
Web pages
Pages visited: the time when a visitor viewed a page that was tracked by the HubSpot tracking code. HubSpot is able to capture page visits and interactions that happened from users who haven’t yet converted into a contact in your HubSpot.
After adding your steps you can use the below filters to further refine your report:
Ad campaign ID: populates the ad campaign that the ad interaction is associated with.
Ad network: populates the name of the network where the interaction occurred. (i.e. Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn.) Learn more about ad tracking in HubSpot.
Interaction type: populates which type of interaction occurred. An interaction can include either a site visit or a form submission..
Network placement: populates the different methods of publishing ads. For example, Facebook Messenger or Google Display Network.
Call owner: the user who initiated the call.
Call country: the country where the call recipient received the call.
Content ID: populates the content pages where the CTA is. For example, the name of a specific blog post or a specific landing page where a CTA is embedded will display in the dropdown menu.
CTA guid: populates the specific name of a CTA.
Content ID: populates the content pages where the form is placed. For example, the name of a specific blog post or a specific landing page where a form is embedded will display in the dropdown menu.
Form ID: populates the specific name of a form.
Marketing emails
Business units: filter by any of the business units you’ve set up in your account. Learn more about business units.
Email content ID: filter by the unique name of the marketing email.
Original URL: the specific URL a contact clicked in your email.
Marketing events
Event name: filter by the specific name of a webinar. This allows you to view which specific marketing events are generating the most interest, indicating which types of content you should be creating more of.
Origin: filter by two options; Online or in-person.
Learn more about using marketing events.
Content page: populates the specific content pages where media has been embedded. For example, you could analyze a specific landing page where a video is embedded.
Meetings booked: measures when a contact books a meeting that is logged in your HubSpot account. This can occur through a meeting link or when a meeting is logged on a contact record.
Meeting outcome (only available when using meeting outcome changes step): allows you to take the journey a step further and specify the result of the meeting in the journey. You can see multiple meeting outcomes in a single stage by using branching.
Form ID: if a meeting link is connected to a form, you can filter to only include meetings that are tied to a specific number of forms.
Meeting owner: filter by a specific meeting owner. This is useful if you want to view how prospects and customers are flowing through specific reps, which can provide opportunities to see if a particular group of reps are yielding better results.
Meeting type: filter by Round Robin, Personal, or Group to view if one meeting type creates a higher conversion rate.
Sales email
User ID: populates the name of the different users in your HubSpot account who are emailing prospects. Unlike sequence enrollment, a HubSpot user does not need to enroll a prospect into a sequence for this to count in the journey report, they only need the HubSpot sales extension to be installed in their email. This property allows you to see if a specific sales rep is driving higher engagement than others, allowing you to analyze what the rep may be doing differently.
Enrolled by user: populates the different users in your HubSpot account who are using the sequences tool to engage prospects.
Sequence ID: populates the unique sequences in your HubSpot account that reps can use to nurture prospects. A unique Sequence ID is generated each time a user enrolls a prospect into a new sequence.
Template ID: populates the name of templates that you have set up in your HubSpot account for users to nurture prospects.
Web pages
Content ID: allows for a like-for-like comparison between any blog posts, landing pages, and more. You can analyze if a certain piece of content is resonating more with web visitors.
Advanced tracking code properties
Many properties are unique to your HubSpot account and require you to manually input the values. This is especially true for interactions that rely on the HubSpot tracking code.
Some of the most popular properties that require you to manually input values are listed below.
- Browser: allows you to filter based on a specific browser, like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. You can view this data in the Traffic Analytics tool.
- Content type: allows you to choose a specific type of your website. For example, you can choose between blog posts, landing pages, website pages, and knowledge base articles. Learn more here.
- Country: allows you to filter on a specific country as defined by the International Organization for Standardization. For example, ‘US’ would filter to web traffic from the United States, while ‘DE’ would filter to web traffic from Germany. For a full list of country codes, reference the Alpha 2 column.
- Device type: allows you to filter on what type of device was being used when a visitor engaged with your brand. For example, you can use ‘desktop’ or ‘mobile’. Learn more about device types.
- Region: allows you to filter on a specific subdivision (e.g. a province or state) of a country as defined by the International Organization for Standardization. For example, ‘TN’ would filter to web traffic from the American state of Tennessee while ‘75C’ would filter to web traffic from the French metropolitan of Paris. View the full list of region codes from the United Nations Economic Commision for Europe.
- Source: allows you to filter by the source of a contact's arrival at a certain moment in the journey, like when they submit a form, became a contact, and more. This allows you to understand, and even give credit to a specific page visit based on the UTM parameters where their session started.