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Connect your calendar to HubSpot

Last updated: February 28, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

In your calendar settings, you can connect a Google, Office 365, or Exchange calendar to the meetings tool. With a connected calendar: 

  • Contacts can schedule meetings on your calendar while preventing them from booking meetings over existing calendar events
  • You can sync meetings created in HubSpot to your calendar
  • You can adjust additional calendar setttings.

A connected calendar is not required to view, edit, or create scheduling pages in the meetings tool, but it is required to book meetings. If a calendar isn't connected, the scheduling page will be in offline mode, so meetings can be requested but won't be automatically added to the calendar.

To connect your calendar, you must have Personal email access granted in your settings. 

Please note: if your account was created before March 13, 2023 you may have connected one account for calendar settings and one account for meeting settings. You will maintain these connections. However, if you disconnect one of the accounts after March 13, 2023, you will only be able to connect one account.

Connect your Gmail or Office 365 calendar

You can connect a calendar that is hosted with Google Apps (G Suite), Gmail (Google Free), or Office 365. Before connecting your calendar, keep in mind the following:


  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • Click Connect your Calendar.
  • In the dialog box, click Google / Gmail or Office 365, then click Connect your calendar.


  • Review the information in the dialog box, then click Accept and connect to [Google/Office 365] to give the meetings tool access to your calendar.
    • On the Google sign-in page, select the account you want to connect to, then review the permissions. Click Allow to continue connecting your calendar.
    • On the Office 365 sign-in page, ensure you're signed in to the correct account and review the permissions. Click Yes to continue connecting your calendar.

You'll be redirected to the meetings dashboard, where you can manage your calendar settings.

Necessary disclosure: HubSpot will have access to both your Google Calendar and any other calendar you access via Google in order to power the meetings tool, and allow you to associate events with contacts in the CRM. HubSpot will have the ability to create or change your calendars, and update individual calendar events.

Connect your Exchange calendar

Before connecting your Exchange calendar, keep in mind the following: 

  • Confirm with your IT team that your Exchange server is running Exchange 2010 SP2 and above.
  • Your Exchange email address and password are required to connect your calendar, but depending on your Exchange server's configuration, HubSpot may require additional information to connect. Refer to the table below before connecting your calendar to make sure you have all of the necessary information.
Information (*required) Example values
Email address*
Password* HubSpot123
Username jdoe
Exchange URL
Exchange version Exchange 2010 SP2 and above

Please note: if your Exchange account is configured to use two-factor authentication, you'll need to enter a third-party app password. Review documentation from Microsoft to learn how to generate a third-party app password.

Before you connect your calendar, keep in mind the following:


  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, click General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • Click Connect your calendar.
  • In the dialog box, select Exchange, then click Connect your calendar.


  • Read through what to expect when you connect your calendar to HubSpot, then click Continue.
  • In the dialog box, enter the following information:
    • Email address: your exchange email address.
    • Username: enter your username. Typically, this is what is listed before the @ symbol in the email address, or your user ID.
    • Password: your Exchange password.
    • Exchange URL: enter the URL used to access your Exchange server.


  • Click Connect inbox

You'll be redirected to the meetings dashboard, where you can manage your calendar settings.

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