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Report on goals

Last updated: June 6, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise

When you've created your SalesServiceMarketing or Custom goals, you can report on their performance. Goals data can be used in the single object report builder, or a sales goal reference line can be added to reports to measure impact over time. 

View goal-specific performance reports

View individual goal performance from within the goals tool. Analyze the total progress your goal has made, and user performance. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting > Goals.
  • Click the name of a goal.
  • At the top of the performance page, view the Goal template used, the Pipelines, Duration, Start date, End date and who the goal was Created by.
  • In the Summary tab, click the Date range dropdown menu to select a date range. View the below in the Summary tab:
    • Total progress: the overall progress that the goal has made. 
    • Actual versus user goals: shows the goal target versus the actual progress of the goal. This report can be saved and added to a dashboard by clicking Actions in the top right of the report, then select Save report
    • Leaderboard: ranks users and the progress they've made in meeting a goal. This report can be saved and added to a dashboard by clicking Actions in the top right of the report, then select Save report
    • User goals in progress: the number of goals with a status of In progess that were created by the same user that created the current goal. This report can be saved and added to a dashboard by clicking Actions in the top right of the report, then select Save report
    • User goals achieved: the number of goals achieved that created by the same user that created the current goal. This report can be saved and added to a dashboard by clicking Actions in the top right of the report, then select Save report
    • User goals missed: the number of goals that were missed by the same user that created the current goal. This report can be saved and added to a dashboard by clicking Actions in the top right of the report, then select Save report
  • Navigate to the User performance tab. Use the filters at the top of the table to filter the data by Total progress breakdownTeams, and Users.


Create a goal report in the single object report builder

Create goal-based single object reports through the single object builder, and save the report to your report library or dashboard. Learn more about creating reports with the single object report builder.

Please note: the Kpi unit type filter is set to Currency. To view goals that have a different unit, for example number, you can edit Kpi unit type filter.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting > Reports.
  • In the top right, click Create report.
  • In the Create reports from scratch section, select Single object.
  • Select Goals. Then, click Next.
  • At the top, click your report's name to edit it.
  • In the left panel, click Add Goals Property to browse and select the properties you want to report on.
    • After selecting these properties, in the left panel, drag and drop properties to reorder the columns in the table on the right.
    • To remove a property, click the next to its name.


  • In the upper left, click Filters to segment the records that appear in your report. You must add at least one filter to your report for data to appear.
  • Click + Add filter and browse or search for the property you want to use to filter your report, then set the criteria. This report uses AND logic to filter records, so all filters must be true for the object to appear in the report.


  • Navigate to the Visualization tab to customize the appearance of your report. 
  • In the left panel, select a chart type
  • In the Configure chart section, drag and drop properties into the Displaying section to add them to your chart. You must select a date property or a property that gives a specific count to plot your data. 


  • In the above chart shows the progress made towards the target goals. This is done by using the measures KPI value and Target amount.
  • If you've selected a line or area chart with a date property as a report measure, you can compare the current data set with a previous time period. In the upper right, click the Display options dropdown menu. Click the Comparison dropdown menu and select the date range you'd like to compare the current data to.
  • To receive a file with your report's data, click Export in the upper right. In the dialog box, select the File type, and click Export.

Please note: the export will only include the properties that have been added to the Selected properties section of the Data tab.

  • When you're done with your report, click Save to add it to your list of saved reports.

Add deal based goal data to deal-based reports

Use sales goal data in deal-based reports. Goal data can be used in Bar, Column, Line, and Area charts.

Please note: goals will display in the dropdown menu for reports built in the single object report builder and that are created using one property only. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting > Dashboards.
  • In the top right of a deal-based report, click the filter View & filter icon.


  • In the Filters tab, click the Goal dropdown menu and select a goal. The Goal dropdown menu will only display goals that use the same date property and frequency of the report.
  • The report will update to display the goal target data. 

Please note:

  • A shorter frequency goal can be viewed in a longer frequency report, for example, a weekly goal will be displayed as a monthly goal if the report frequency is set to Monthly. However, the opposite is not true. A monthly goal cannot be viewed as a weekly goal.
  • The date range for the goal must be within the date range for the report.


  • Add additional required filters in the right panel. If the report filters are edited after the goal has been selected, the goal will be removed from the report and will need to be selected again.
  • To customize your report further, click Customize in the bottom left. If a report has goals data represented on the chart, this option will be disabled as the report cannot be customized further. To enable the customize option, remove Goals from the report.
  • Click Save.

Add a sales goal reference line in the report builder

You can create single-object deal reports that track revenue goals to measure your impact over time. HubSpot provides a set of standard reports in the report library, and Professional or Enterprise users can customize these reports or create a custom report.

This type of report should be used for vizualisation purposes and does not add sales goal data to the report. 

When creating a revenue goal report, keep the following in mind:

  • You can add revenue goals to a report by adjusting the Display options in the report builder. The report must be a single-object deal report that includes a date property. The report must also use the Line or Area chart type.

  • When using revenue goals in custom single-object reports, it's recommended to include a filter for a specific pipeline associated with the goal. Otherwise, all pipelines will be factored into the report.
  • Revenue goal is calculated as follows: (goal revenue / total number of days in the selected date range) x number of days so far in the selected date range. For example, if the date range in your report is set to This month, the calculation would be: (goal revenue / total number of days in the month) x number of days in the month so far.

You can manually add goals to reports created with the advanced custom report builder. A monthly goal can be added in the custom report builder for the following chart types:

  • Vertical bar, Line, and Area charts with a date property on the X-axis.
  • Horizontal bar charts with a date property on the Y-axis.

If your report meets one the above criteria, you can add a monthly goal to the report by clicking Chart Settings in the Configure tab of the report builder. 


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